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Key Art
Educator’s Guide
Social Media Assets
TV & Radio Spots
Title Treatment
Coloring Sheets
All advertising and publicity materials developed in relation to Dinosaurs of Antarctica must contain the exact copyright, trademark references and other credit acknowledgements, marks and logos as described in these guidelines, and must be submitted to GSF for approval prior to publication or public consumption.
National Science Foundation Recognition:
All Dinosaurs of Antarctica materials produced for use in the U.S.A. must contain the following National Science Foundation logo and United States Antarctic Program logo:
When creating your own materials, please remember to download and include this information along with your other artwork. Please use the link below to download NSF logos and NSF’s usage guidelines.
Marks and Logos:
All advertising, publicity and educational materials developed in relation to Dinosaurs of Antarctica must contain the exact marks and logos and copyrights as set by GSF. These must include the film sponsor’s marks as they are used in conjunction with all film logos, key art, etc.
Credit Acknowledgements:
Although credit acknowledgement is not mandatory in all material, when including credit in descriptions of the film, please use the following language:
Dinosaurs of Antarctica is a Giant Screen Films production. Major funding was provided by the National Science Foundation.
From the Permian through the Jurassic, journey to the south polar landscapes of Antarctica hundreds of millions of years ago. Roam the primitive forests and thick swamps with bizarre dinosaurs and colossal amphibians. Enter a surreal world of bug-eyed giants and egg-laying mammals—where survival means enduring the sunless, six-month polar winter surrounded by meat-eaters with night vision. Join intrepid Antarctic scientists on a quest to understand the ice continent’s profound transformation—and to predict the future as humans drive dramatic change. Welcome to the lost prehistoric world of Gondwana. Welcome to Antarctica.