Don Kempf

Don started Giant Screen Films with a mission to bring enriching and impactful theatrical experiences to audiences worldwide. As a former history teacher, Don’s decision to devote his career to educational documentary film production was a natural one. Over the past two decades, Giant Screen Films has produced and distributed an extensive catalog of some of the most successful films in the large-format market, including Michael Jordan to the Max, Pulse: a Stomp Odyssey, Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs, Dinosaurs Alive, Wild Ocean, Tornado Alley, Titans of the Ice Age, The Last Reef, Great White Shark, Journey to Space, Aircraft Carrier and Mysteries of China. Don also founded D3D Cinema, a sister company of GSF that outfits museums around the world with state-of-the-art digital 3D theater systems. Over the past decade, D3D has opened or retrofitted over fifty museum-based theaters. Don also won an Emmy-Award as Senior Producer of the ESPN 30 for 30 documentary Of Miracles and Men and was executive producer on the documentary So Goes the Nation. Don received a BA in history from Dartmouth College and an MBA in marketing and entrepreneurship from the University of Chicago.